Significant price difference between supermarkets

No surprise in the findings. This year’s OCU study Especial Super-mercados 2020 findings are in line with past studies.

The study compared supermarket prices all over Spain for hundreds of products, and reveals savings of up to 3.000 of euros in some cities, and an average 0f 1.000 euros for the country.

These findings are in line with our experience of average price differences of 25-30% in larger urban areas. Price differences can be even higher when comparing different product categories by supermarkets or depending on the day of the week.

The grocery sector is a very competitive sector with intense promotional activity. Many grocery retailers have daily promotions for hundreds of food and non-food products, making it difficult to track.

For consumers it can be hard to take advantage of such intense promotional activity, mainly because they don’t buy one product, but a basket of 10, 20 or even 50 products, making it hard to track daily opportunities.

This is where technology will help –tracking pricing differences for thousands of products from several retailers in a given location.

This is precisely what Market Radar can do for you. Its advanced technology, can tell you the price differences for your shopping list in the retailers in your location. It can help you to evaluate additional savings in the case of doing cross-shopping across stores, or it can help to find which day of the week with better prices.

This can help you to save thousands of euros every year, as many families are already experiencing.


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