Groceries shopping redefined
In the new normal, consumers look for ways to save money, paying more attention to prices, using coupons more often, and shopping around to get the best deals.
The first two videos are introductory, the following videos address the different usage cases
In the new normal, consumers look for ways to save money, paying more attention to prices, using coupons more often, and shopping around to get the best deals.
Market Radar is a powerful tool for ecommerce, optimize groceries spending, and conduct extensive research from a single point. It is also used to simplify the online purchase process 'from shopping list (or menu) to home delivery (or in-store collect)'
Shopping lists are used to plan and organize purchasing’s at the store. With the Market Radar you create your shopping lists quickly and easily, just using your voice. But the Market Radar also uses shopping lists to help consumers save money.
Cost-conscious consumers check product prices, whether they are in the store or not. With the Market Radar you can quickly and easily compare prices or research for product information. Just using your voice and ask.
Prior to the pandemic, healthy lifestyle was on the rise. After the crisis, more consumers say they will work to boost their physical immunity by exercising more, eating healthily, and paying more attention to products composition.
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